
class querylist.QueryList(data=None, wrapper=<class 'querylist.betterdict.BetterDict'>, wrap=True)

A QueryList is an extension of Python’s built in list data structure that adds easy filtering, excluding, and retrieval of member objects.

>>> from querylist import QueryList
>>> sites = QueryList(get_sites())
>>> sites.exclude(published=True)
[{'url': 'http://site3.tld/', 'published': False}]

Keywrod arguments:

  • data – an iterable reprsenting the data that to be to queried.
  • wrapper – a callable that can convert data’s elements to objects that are compatbile with QueryList
  • wrap – Boolean toggle to indicate whether or not to call wrapper on each element in data on instantiation. Set to false if data’s elements are already compatible with QueryList.


By default, QueryLists expect to be instantiated with lists of dictionaries or dictionary-like data because it attempts to convert the elements to BetterDicts:

>>> a = QueryList([{'foo': 1}, {'foo': 2}])
>>> b = QueryList([(('foo', 1),),(('foo', 2),) ])
>>> a == b
>>> a.get(foo__lt=2)
{'foo': 1}

Fortunately, QueryLists can also be instantiated with iterables returning any objects that support dot lookups. To invoke a QueryList with a custom wrapper called myclass, one could write the following:

>>> c = QueryList(mydata, wrapper=myclass, wrap=False)

wrap=False in the above examples tells the QueryList that it doesn’t need to convert the elements of mydata to myclass. If wrap had been true, something similar to [myclass(x) for x in mydata] would have been executed.

If mydata had been a list of data that can be converted to a custom object, then wrap=True (the default behavior) would have been appropriate.

>>> d = QueryList(mydata, wrapper=myclass)

wrapper can be any callable that returns a QueryList compatible object. It doesn’t need to be a class.

It is also possible to instantiate an empty QueryList and add objects to it as needed:

>>> a = QueryList()


All objects

You can iterate over a QuerySet like a normal list and it will return the data that was used to instantiate it (the data will be wrapped, if wrapped=True when the list was instantiated).

>>> a = QueryList(my_data)
>>> [item for item in a]

Limiting and Excluding

QueryLists provide two methods for limiting and excluding objects from a QueryList: limit() and exclude(). limit() will return a QueryList containing all objects in the list that match the passed conditions, and exclude() will return a QueryList containing the subset of the original QueryList that doesn’t match the passed conditions.

Both methods accept keyword argument/value pairs, where the keyword is a field lookup and the value is the value to compare that field to. For example, id=4 would match all objects with an id property equal to 4. See Field lookups for more information.


Generates a QueryList containing the subset of objects from this QueryList that match the provided set of field lookups.

The following example returns the subset of a QueryList named site_list where published is equal to False:

>>> site_list.limit(published=True)
[{'url': 'http://site1.tld/',...}, {...}],

Similarly, in the next example, limit() returns the subset of objects where object.meta.keywords contains the string ‘kittens’ and where the id property is greater than 100.

>>> site_list.limit(meta__keywords__contains='kittens', id__gt=100)
[{'url': 'http://site101.tld/',...}, {...}],

If no objects match the provided field lookups, an empty QueryList is returned.

>>> site_list.limit(id__gte=1000, published=False)

Generates a QueryList containing the subset of objects from this QueryList that do not match the provided field lookups.

The following example returns the subset of a QueryList named site_list where the id is greather than 1000.

>>> site_list.exclude(id__gt=1000)
[{'url': 'http://site1001.tld/',...}, {...}],

In the next example, exclude() returns the subset of objects from site_list that aren’t published and don’t have “test” in their title

>>> site_list.exclude(published=True, title__icontains="test")
[{'url': 'http://site1.tld/',...}, {...}]

If all objects match the provided field lookups, then an empty QueryList is returned:

>>> site_list.exclude(id__gt=0)


QueryList methods that return QueryLists (limit() and exclude()) can be chained together to form more complex queries:

>>> QueryList(sites).include(published=False).exclude(meta__keywords__contains="kittens")

Retrieving a single object

In addition to providing methods for limiting or excluding objects, QueryLists provide a method for retrieving specific objects:


Returns the first object encountered that matches the specified lookup parameters.

>>> site_list.get(id=1)
{'url': 'http://site1.tld/', 'published': False, 'id': 1}
>>> site_list.get(published=True, id__lt=3)
{'url': 'http://site1.tld/', 'published': True, 'id': 2}
>>> site_list.limit(published=True).get(id__lt=3)
{'url': 'http://site1.tld/', 'published': True, 'id': 2}

If the QueryList contains multiple elements that match the criteria, only the first match will be returned. Use limit() to retrieve the entire set.

If no match is found in the QueryList, the method will raise a NotFound exception.

>>> site_list.get(id=None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "querylist/querylist.py", line 55, in get
querylist.querylist.NotFound: Element with specified attributes not

Field lookups

A field lookup consists of a name corresponding to an object attribute and a value to compare that attribute against. The following is a field lookup for all QueryList object whose id property is equal to 1000: id=1000.

Similarly, title="Go Team!" would match all objects with the title team.

Field lookups can be combined arbitrarily: id=1000, title="Go team!" would match all objects with the id 1000 and the title “Go Team!”.

Properties of properties

Field lookups can extend to properties of properties (and so on). Simply replace the dot operator that one would normally use with a double underscore. meta__description="Cats", for example, would match against all objects in the QueryList where object.meta.description==”Cats.”

Similarly, meta__keywords__count=4 would match against all objects in the QueryList where object.meta.keywords.count==4.


Field lookups can end with an optional comparator designation that indicates that the lookup should do something other than an exact comparison: attribute__<comparator>.

A field lookup that does a case insensitive match against the title attribute would look like: title__iexact="cats".

Querylist ships with a number of comparators:


Returns True if the attribute and the specified value are equal.


Converts both the attribute and the specified value to lowercase and returns True if the values are equal.

Both the attribute and the specified value must be strings.


Returns True if the specified value is in the attribute value. This works with strings and lists.


Converts both the attribute and the specified value to lowercase and returns True if the specified value is in the attribute value.


Returns True if the attribute is in the specified iterable

This requires the specified value to be some iterable.


Returns true if the attribute value starts with the specified value.

This requires the attribute value and specified value to be strings.


Case insensitive startswith.


Returns true if the attribute value ends with the specified value.

This requires the attribute value and specified value to be strings.


Case insensitive endswith.


Returns True if the attribute value matches the specified regular expression.


Case insensitive regex.


Returns True if the attribute value is greater than the specified value.


Returns True if the attribute value is greater than or equal to the specified value.


Returns True if the attribute value is less than the specified valued.


Returns True if the attribute value is less than or equal to the specified value.



Returns the nubmer of objects in the QueryList.

Backwards compatibility

QueryLists are intended to be a drop in replacement for lists of dictionaries. Because QueryLists and their default wrapper (BetterDicts) are backwards compatible with lists and dicts respectively, a developer can drop them into existing projects without changing the existing behavior.

Consider a user class that returns a list of sites:

class User(object):
    def get_sites():
        """Returns a list of the user's sites."""
        return Site(self.id).get_all_sites()

If dictionaries are being used to represent sites, we can change the definition of get_sites() as follows without impacting any existing functionality:

def get_sites():
    """Returns a list of the user's sites."""
    return QueryList(Site(self.id).get_all_sites())

The new get_sites() will be backwards compatible with its old definition, but for any new code written, the developer can use QueryList and BetterDict functionality to their heart’s content.

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